Vol. 101  No. 10  October  2008

Meningioma Extending to the Middle Ear: A Case Report

Kousuke Takabayashi, Akihiro Katada, Toshihiro Nagato, Kan Kishibe, 
Akihiro Katayama, Nobuyuki Bandoh, Tatsuya Hayashi and Yasuaki Harabuchi
(Asahikawa Medical College)

Meningioma is a common intracranial tumor, accounting for 13-18% of all intracranial tumors, however, extracranial meningioma is very rare, especially with extension into the temporal bone. A 49-year-old female had complained of left hearing loss for several years. A granuloma-like mass was seen through the left tympanic membrane, and a pure tone audiogram showed left combined hearing loss. We performed left tympanoplasty with mastoidectomy. At the time of operation, the granuloma-like mass was seen in the mastoid and tympanic cavities, postoperative pathological study revealed it to be a meningioma. After the operation, CT and MRI scans showed a large mass in the C-P angle. We conclude that CT and MRI examinations are valuable when there is the possibility of a tumor.

Key words :meningioma, middle ear, tumor, granuloma, CT scan, MRI scan

第101巻10号 目次   Vol.101 No.10 contents