Vol. 102  No. 11  November  2009

Isolated Oculomotor Nerve Paresis Due to Sphenoiditis

Shigeru Kasugai, Daisuke Oyake and Tomoyuki Okada
(St. Marianna University Yokohama-City Seibu Hospital)

Izumi Koizuka
(St. Marianna University School of Medicine)

We report a case of isolated oculomotor nerve paresis due to sphenoiditis. A 33-year-old woman reporting mild left-side ptosis and diplopia had no signs of brain aneurysm or diabetes mellitus. Despite her left-side ocular movement disturbance and ptosis, ophthalmological examination showed neither visual impairment nor pupil dilation. Symptoms were due to isolated left-side oculomotor nerve paresis. Computed tomography (CT) showed soft tissue density in the sphenoid sinus, fielding a definitive diagnosis of sphenoiditis necessitating endoscopic surgery under general anesthesia. All symptoms disappeared within 2 months postoperatively.

Key words :isolated oculomotor nerve paresis, sphenoiditis

第102巻11号 目次   Vol.102 No.11 contents