Vol. 95 No. 2 February 2002

A Study of Therapy Used for 300 Patients with Sudden Deafness
-The Combination Effects in Grades 2-4-

Shin-ichiro Narita
(Hakodate Municipal Hospital, Nakamura Memorial Hospital)

Kazutoyo Kobayashi
(Hakodate Municipal Hospital)

Tomoko Shintani, Hideki Ogasawara, Kan Ishii,     
Tomo Honma, Masato Hata, Kazumasa Watanabe,
Kazuya Kikuchi and Tetsuo Himi                            
(Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine)

Hirohiko Nakamura
(Nakamura Memorial Hospital)

       We investigated the therapy used in 300 patients with sudden deafness who were treated at Hakodate Municipal Hospital, Ebetsu Municipal Hospital, Obihiro Kousei Hospital and Nakamura Memorial Hospital in the period 1994~2000. The grades were 1, 2, 3 and 4 in approximately 22, 30, 35 and 14%, respectively. General improvement was achieved in 78% of the subjects (Grades 1-4). The use of pentoxyfilline (n=25), oxygen under high pressure (OHP) (n=63) and lipo-prostaglandin E1 (lipo-PGE1) (n=27) resulted in significant (p<0.05) improvements in patients with sudden deafness (Grades 2-4) when applied in combination with steroids, VB12 and Adenosine triphosphate disodium. The improvement rate was 92, 86 and 100% in the pentoxyferin, OHP and lipo-PGE1 groups, respectively.
      These findings suggest that the improvement of blood flow in the inner ear may be very important in treating sudden deafness.

Key words : sudden deafness, pentoxyfilline, OHP, lipo-PGE1


第95巻2号 目次   Vol.95 No.2 contents