Vol. 95 No. 3  March 2002

Sebaceous Epithelioma in the External Auditory Canal

Akihiro Kojima
(Fukui Kosei Hospital)

Takehisa Saito, Hitoshi Saito and Yoshiaki Imamura
(Fukui Medical University)

       Sebaceous epithelioma is a rare skin tumor with sebaceous differentiation. Histopathologically, it is composed of undifferentiated basaloid cells, differentiated sebaceous cells and transitional cells. Our patient was an 80 year-old man with an asymptomatic tumor in the right external auditory canal. The tumor was 1.2×0.8cm and had a stem at the lower wall of the external auditory meatus and could be completely resected. During a one-year follow-up period, there was no recurrence of the tumor.

Key words : sebaceous epithelioma, external auditory canal


第95巻3号 目次   Vol.95 No.3 contents