Vol. 95 No. June 2002

Oncocytoma of the Submandibular Gland; 
A Case Study with Review

Satoshi Seno, Hideyo Sogo, Yuko Saito, Takema Sakoda, 
Hiroki Ikeda, Yoshihiro Dake and Tadao Enomoto             
(Japanese Red Cross Society Wakayama Medical Center)

Hiroya Kitano and Kazutomo Kitajima
(Shiga University of Medical Science)

       Our case and 70 cases of head and neck oncocytoma from the Japanese literature were studied to understand the features of oncocytoma.
       A 66-year-old woman was scheduled for breast cancer surgery at our hospital. She was referred to our department following a preoperative CT scan that discovered a right submandibular tumor. Pre-operative examination showed no malignant lesions, so the extirpation of the right submandibular-gland tumor was performed at the same time as her breast-cancer operation. We diagnosed oncocytoma based on the pathological findings. We have been following her up periodically and there has been no recurrence.
       We studied the characteristic features, diagnoses, and treatments of 71 cases. Clinical findings showed no specific features and a pathological examination was always necessary for diagnosis. In benign cases, the standard treatment was the extirpation of the tumor. There is no established standard treatment for malignant cases, and surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, or a combination thereof were chosen, depending on the status of the patient.

Key words : oncocytoma, submandibular gland, submandibular tumor


第95巻6号 目次   Vol.95 No.6 contents