Vol. 95 No. June 2002

Introduction and Discussion of Tinnitus Retraining 
Therapy (TRT)

Yoshimasa Sekiya
(Sekiya Jibiinkouka)

Futoshi Matsuda
(Kasugai Municipal Hospital)

Mariko Takahashi and Shingo Murakami
(Nagoya City University)

       Although Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) is becoming very popular all over the world, it is still not well known in Japan. In this paper, we will introduce and discuss the theory and practice of TRT.
       TRT is based on the theory of Jastreboff's neurophysiological model, which postulates that a number of systems in the brain are involved in the emergence of Tinnitus and the auditory periphery plays only a secondary role. The purpose of this method is habituation by using low level sound and directive counseling.
       Though this therapy is thought to be a powerful methods for Tinnitus, there are some uncertainties regarding the roles of sound and counseling.
       Larger scale control studies are nescessary to conform its effectiveness and rationalize the theory.

Key words : Tinnitus Retraining Therapy, TRT, sound therapy, directive counseling


第95巻6号 目次   Vol.95 No.6 contents