Vol. 95 No. June 2002

Ramatroban Produces Beneficial Effects in Nasal Symptoms 
of Patients with Perennial Allergic Rhinitis When Used in         
Combination with an Antihistamine                                                

Shinichiro Narita, Makoto Kurose and Kazutoyo Kobayashi
(Hakodate Municipal Hospital)

Hideaki Shirasaki and Tetsuo Himi
(Sapporo Medical University)

       We investigated the effects of combination therapy with thromboxane A2 receptor antagonist (TxA2 RA: Ramatroban) and an antihistamine (Clemastine Fumarate) in patients with perennial allergic rhinitis. There was no significant difference in the three groups: combination group (n=20), the TxA2 RA (only Ramatroban) group (n=18) and the antihistamine (only Clemastine Fumarate) group (n=9) in terms of global improvement rating. Improvement was significantly better in the combination group compared to that in the TxA2 RA group two weeks after the start of administration (p<0.05). Moreover, intranasal rhinoscopic findings showed the mean nasal secretion score was significantly decreased in both the combination and TxA2 RA groups (p<0.05).
      These findings suggest that TxA
2 (Ramatroban) in combination with an antihistamine has beneficial effects on rhinorrhea in patients with perennial allergic rhinitis.

Key words : Ramatroban, allergic rhinitis, combination, antihistamine, thromboxane A2


第95巻6号 目次   Vol.95 No.6 contents