Vol. 95 No. 9  September 2002

Influence of Smoking on Bacillus in Acute and
Chronic Sinusitis Cases

Shinnya Takano, Sei Kitajima, Yumiko Okamura and Hajime Aramaki
(Tokyo Women's Medical University Daini Hospital)

       We examined how smoking influenced the bacillus detected from acute and chronic sinusitis cases and the pH of nasal discharge.
       There was no significant difference in the bacillus detected in sinusitis due to the presence of smoking.
       The pH of nasal discharge temporarily falls during smoking.
       The decreased pH of nasal discharge may decrease the bacillus growth inhibition of the normal flora.

Key words : smoking, bacillus, pH, nasal discharge


第95巻9号 目次   Vol.95 No.9 contents