Vol. 96 No. 4 April 2003

Two Cases of Simultaneous Bilateral 
Idiopathic Facial Nerve Palsy              

Satoko Namiki, Hideki Takegoshi and Shigeru Kikuchi
(Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical School)

     We report two cases of simultaneous bilateral idiopathic facial nerve palsy.
     About one month of treatment mainly with corticosteroid therapy brought about complete cure of the paralysis bilaterally in both cases. Bilateral simultaneous facial nerve palsy is an extremely rareillness. While idiopathic facial nerve plasy is the most common diagnosis, a comprehensive evaluation must be completed prior to this diagnosis in patients with bilateral facial nerve palsy.

Key words : simultaneous, bilateral, facial nerve palsy, corticosteroid therapy


第96巻4号 目次   Vol.96 No.4 contents