Vol. 96   No.10   October 2003

Case Reports of Mumps Deafness

Sachie Kawaguchi, Atsushi Kawano, Hidenori Kanebayashi, 
Noriko Oura and Mamoru Suzuki                                        
(Tokyo Medical University)

      Sensorineural hearing loss is a well known complication of mumps described as "mumps deafness". Incidence of mumps deafness has been regarded as rare, to the order of 1/10,000~20,000 cases, although the disease can cause permanent profound unilateral deafness. The authors present 12 cases of mumps deafness treated at Tokyo Medical University Hospital during a 15-year period. Ten patients complained of unilateral deafness, and two displayed bilateral deafness. Hearing partially improved in one case, although 11 cases were resisted to treatment. Cochlear implantation was performed in two cases of bilateral deafness. Postoperative course of these two cases was satisfactory, suggesting that patients with mumps deafness are potentially good candidates for cochlear implantation.

Key words : mumps deafness, bilateral deafness, cochlear implantation


第96巻10号 目次   Vol.96 No.10 contents