Vol. 97  No. 2  February 2004

A Case of Parotid Gland Oncocytoma

Yoshifumi Yamamoto, Hidenori Inohara, Shiro Akahani, 
Takeshi Kubo and Yoshihiko Hoshida                           
(Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine)

Takayuki Kawashima and Ryoichi Matsutani
(Yukoukai General Hospital)

       Oncocytoma is a rare tumor commonly found in the salivary gland. Here we report a case of oncocytoma arising in the parotid. Fine needle aspiration cytology revealed a moderate number of cell sheets of oncocyte-like cells, strongly suggesting oncocytoma, whereas neither CT scan nor MRI were informative. We believe that fine needle aspiration cytology is a useful diagnostic modality for oncocytoma.

Key words : parotid gland, oncocytoma, fine needle aspiration cytology


第97巻2号 目次   Vol.97 No.2 contents