Vol. 97  No. 5  May 2004

A Case of Pharyngeal Syphilis

Kenichiro Nomura, Takeshi Kanaya and Reiko Karasaki
(Hokkaido Social Insurance Hospital)

Satoshi Nonaka and Yasuaki Harabuchi
(Asahikawa Medical College)

       We report a 25-year-old woman who complained of an increasing throat pain. Physical examination revealed that the mucosa of her oropharynx exhibited butterfly appearance and serological testing showed high RPR and TPHA titers. According to these findings, we diagnosed it as pharyngeal syphilis. After treatment with oral penicillin, the pharyngeal lesion was improved. Because of the increase in the commercial sexual activities, consultations for sexually transmitted diseases of the oropharynx are increasingly common.

Key words : pharyngeal syphilis, butterfly appearance, sexually transmitted diseases


第97巻5号 目次   Vol.97 No.5 contents