Vol. 97  No. 6  June 2004

Effects of Teton® in the Treatment of Taste Disturbance

Akihiro Ikui, Minoru Ikeda, Ayako Komiyama, Takuma Yoshikawa, 
Nao Sekiguchi, Ryouji Hirai, Daisuke Kobayashi, Yukimi Asano,      
Takeshi Masuda, Kenji Ootsuka and Akinori Kida                           
(Nihon University School of Medicine)

       Tezon® is a supplement containing trace elements (iron, zinc, copper, selenium, and other minerals). We presented this supplement for 10 taste disorder patients (32 to 72 years old, mean 56.3 years old, four males and six females). Serum copper/zinc ratios were improved and selenium levels were raised in all cases. The overall rate of improvement in all patients was 80% (eight cases). These results indicate that Tezon® may be useful for taste disorder patients.

Key words : Tezon®, trace elements, taste disorder


第97巻6号 目次   Vol.97 No.6 contents