Vol. 97 No.11 November 2004

Two Cases of Ectopic Inverted Tooth of the Nasal Cavity         
Naotaro Akiyama, Kenji Takasaki and Yasuo Osato
(Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Sasebo City General Hospital)

Haruo Takahashi
(Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences)

       We report two cases of ectopic inverted tooth in the nasal cavity. Case 1 and 2 were an 8-year-old female with left epistaxis and a 10-year-old male with right epistaxis respectively. In both cases, computed tomography revealed that the attenuation of the mass was the same as that of the oral teeth. We removed the ectopic inverted tooth completely with endoscopy by an endonasal approach. We describe their clinical courses, and the etiology, diagnosis and management of the ectopic inverted tooth, with a review of the literature.

Key words : ectopic inverted tooth, computed tomography, endoscopy


第97巻11号 目次   Vol.97  No.11  contents