Vol. 97 No.12 December 2004

Ear Clicks in Pharyngeal Opening of Eustachian 
Tube Tremor Caused by Myoclonus of the            
Tensor Veli Palatini Muscle: A Case Report          

Waka Onishi, Atsushi Negoro, Kojiro Tsuji, 
Toshihiko Muto and Masafumi Sakagami     
(Hyogo College of Medicine)

Ryuhei Nozaki
(Hamasaka Public Hospital)

      Tinnitus which others can hear is rare. We experienced a case of a 32-year-old woman with objective tinnitus which could be detected voluntarily. Periodic tinnitus of a non-cardiac pulsation nature was audible from the left ear by otoscopy. Synchronized with the tinnitus, the contraction around the left pharyngeal opening of the Eustachian tube was observed by fiberscopy. The results of audiometry, impedance audiometry and CT were normal. Furthermore, scince there was no soft palate movement, the diagnosis of tinnitus by myoclonus of the tensor veli palatini muscle was made. Medication was not effective in this case.

Key words : tensor veli palatini muscle, objective tinnitus, impedance audiometry


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