Vol. 98  No. 10  October 2005

A Case Report of Treacher Collins Syndrome

Kensaku Hasegawa, Taizo Taguchi, Makiko Tanaka, 
Aya Nosaka, Takema Sakoda and Hiroya Kitano      
(Tottori University)

      Patients with Treacher Collins syndrome often exhibit conductive hearing loss due to middle ear malformation. We report a case of this syndrome in a 41-year-old woman with bilateral conductive hearing loss, in whom adjustment of hearing devices was complicated. After assessing HRCT images using Jahrsdoerfer's grading scale, we performed tympanoplasty type III-c on the left side followed by type III-i on the right side. The patient had an excellent outcome; ultimately hearing devices were not required. Preoperatively, patients with congenital anomalies of the middle ear can benefit greatly from prediction of postoperative prognosis; use of Jahrsdoerfer's grading system to assess HRCT images can help to ensure safe and effective surgical care.

Key words : Treacher Collins syndrome, conductive hearing loss, tympanoplasty, Jahrsdoerfer's grading system


第98巻10号 目次   Vol.98 No.10 contents