Vol. 98  No. 10  October 2005

A Case of Malignant Melanoma of the Nasal Cavity 
Treated with Local Injections of Interferon-b

Kenji Fukutsuji, Teruhito Aihara, Takeshi Akisada and Tamotsu Harada
(Kawasaki Medical School)

      The case was a 68-year-old man. He attended an introductory consultation complaining of left nose bleeding. He was diagnosed with malignant melanoma by biopsy of black style part inside the nasal cavity. A shadow was recognized in the left maxillary by CT and MRI. Development was also recognized in the left nasal cavity. Local injections of interferon-b (3 million IU/day, 3/week) were carried out after chemotherapy (Cisplatin, Vinblastine Sulfate, Dacarbazine) and radiotherapy (5 Gy×9, total 45 Gy) was administered nineteen times. At present, after two and a half years obvious recurrence has not been recognized.

Key words : maliganant melanoma, nasal cavity, local injection, interferon-b


第98巻10号 目次   Vol.98 No.10 contents