Vol. 98  No. 10  October 2005

Nasal Packing with Calcium Alginate (KALTOSTAT?) 
after Endonasal Operation

Satoshi Ikegami, Kazuhiko Shoji, Yo Kishimoto, 
Shinji Suzuki, Tsuyoshi Kojima and Atsuhito Takahashi
(Tenri Hospital)
Miyuki Marumo
(Hyougo Prefectural Amagasaki Hospital)

      Calcium alginates are highly absorbent and gel-forming materials with haemostatic properties. The aim of this study was to compare the qualities of conventional gauze tampon and calcium alginate (KALTOSTAT?) as nasal packing materials after endonasal operation.
     A small amount of KALTOSTAT? was used in the middle meatus as a nasal packing over a week with a view to promoting hemostasis and wound healing. The results with KALTOSTAT? packing were compared to a control group of 22 patients with conventional gauze tampon packing and the two types of packing materials were found to be similarly effective in preventing bleeding while the packs were in situ, while KALTOSTAT? was associated with significantly less bleeding on pack removal than the gauze tampon.
     Our findings suggest that the main advantages of packing with a small amount of KALTOSTAT? included absence of postoperative complications due to pressure, pain and bleeding on pack removal or clots in the nasal cavity.

Key words : nasal packing, calcium alginate, KALTOSTAT, postoperative complications


第98巻10号 目次   Vol.98 No.10 contents