Vol. 99  No. April  2006

Two Cases of Metastases to the Larynx

Ibuki Hayashi, Michiro Kawakami and Syuji Nishikawa
(Osaka National Hospital)
Katsuhiro Yoshimura, Ayumi Hayashi and Kengo Ichihara
(Osaka Medical College)
Yumi Kiyokawa
(Yukioka Hospital)

      Two cases of metastases to the larynx from distant primaries are reported: metastasis to the thyroid cartilage due to prostatic cancer, and metastasis to the ary-epiglottic fold due to cutaneous melanoma. Laryngeal metastases are uncommon, so it is difficult to diagnose a laryngeal tumor as metastasis to the larynx. Patients with laryngeal metastasis are in the terminal stage, because multiple metastases are present extensively. Therefore, palliative therapies are selected in the patients of laryngeal metastases, as experienced with our own cases.

Key words : laryngeal metastases, thyroid cartilage, prostatic cancer, melanoma


第99巻4号 目次   Vol.99 No.4 contents