Vol. 99  No.   August   2006

Classification and Therapy for Patent 
Eustachian Tube Patients

Akio Oshima
(Oshima E.N.T. Clinic)


  Patent eustachian tube patients are becoming increasingly rare.
I proposed to classify these patients into a lighter grade I to severe grade III, according to their symptoms and examinations findings and used this to decide on an appropriate therapy.
Grade I: Fullness of the ear. No finding in the tympanic membrane during Toynbee's maneuver.
Therapy・Administer the Chinese medicine KAMIKIHITO. Pour a mixture of jel-foam, glycerin and 0.9% saline solution into the eustachian tube.
Grade II: Grade I plus autophonia and tympanic membrane movement during Toynbee's or Valsalva's maneuver.
Therapy・In addition to that proposed for Grade I, submembranous injection of dimethyl polysiloxan or aterocollagen into the nasopharyngeal tubal orifice.
Grade III: Most severe case.
Therapy・In addition to that proposed for Grade II, insertion of KOBAYASHI's eustachian tube pin into the tympanic orifice of the eustachian tube.

Key words : patent eustachian tube, classification, therapy

第99巻8号 目次   Vol.99 No.8 contents